15th QIRN Working meeting on Research into Quality and Safety Improvement, and visits to projects

Aim: to help researchers to improve their research into quality and safety in health care and their skills for this type of research.

Administration: Doris Østergaard: doris.oestergaard@regionh.dk at Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation CAMES (host organisation https://www.regionh.dk/CAMES/ )

Scientific issues, meeting content and invites: John Øvretveit, jovretbis@aol.com, Director of Research and Professor of improvement, implementation and evaluation, MMC Karolinska, Sweden.

May 1: Morning: Presentations of quality or safety research in progress by researchers and comments and advice by colleagues. Afternoon: visits to quality projects in Copenhagen.

May 2: Morning: Continued - Presentations of quality or safety research in progress by researchers Site visits to quality projects and assessment of these visits. Afternoon: researchers present lessons from the visits to quality projects; session on publishing your research.

Danske ph.d.-studerende som forsker i kvalitet og sikkerhed inden for sundhedssektoren inviteres til at søge om plads på seminaret. Der er et begrænset antal pladser til rådighed. Indsend begrundet ansøgning bilagt projektbeskrivelse til info@fpks.dk senest 20. april.
Deltagelse og forplejning gratis.



man 01 maj 17 8:00 -
tir 02 maj 17 17:00



Hammershusgade 11 (Rigshospitalet Annex), København
12 DECEMBER 2024