Aim: to help researchers to improve their research into quality and safety in health care and their skills for this type of research.
Administration: Doris Østergaard: at Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation CAMES (host organisation )
Scientific issues, meeting content and invites: John Øvretveit,, Director of Research and Professor of improvement, implementation and evaluation, MMC Karolinska, Sweden.
May 1: Morning: Presentations of quality or safety research in progress by researchers and comments and advice by colleagues. Afternoon: visits to quality projects in Copenhagen.
May 2: Morning: Continued - Presentations of quality or safety research in progress by researchers Site visits to quality projects and assessment of these visits. Afternoon: researchers present lessons from the visits to quality projects; session on publishing your research.
Danske ph.d.-studerende som forsker i kvalitet og sikkerhed inden for sundhedssektoren inviteres til at søge om plads på seminaret. Der er et begrænset antal pladser til rådighed. Indsend begrundet ansøgning bilagt projektbeskrivelse til senest 20. april.
Deltagelse og forplejning gratis.