Her har vi samlet en række links til centrale tidsskrifter, der publicerer videnskabelige artikler om patientsikkerhed og kvalitet i sundhedssektoren. Linksamlingen er opdelt i:
- Primære tidsskrifter, der indgående beskæftiger sig med kvalitet eller patientsikkerhed, og som altid indeholder artikler inden for emnerne.
- Sekundære tidsskrifter, der ofte bringer artikler relateret til kvalitet eller patientsikkerhed.
Primære tidsskrifter
- BMJ Quality and Safety
- BMJ Quality & Safety (previously Quality & Safety in Health Care) is an international peer review publication providing, news, opinion, debate and research for academics, clinicians and healthcare managers. It encourages innovation and creative thinking to improve the quality of health care and the science of improvement.
- Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety
- Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety is an international, peer reviewed, open access journal exploring patient safety issues in the healthcare continuum from diagnostic and screening interventions through to treatment, drug therapy and surgery. The journal is characterized by the rapid reporting of reviews, original research, clinical, epidemiological and post-marketing surveillance studies, risk management, health literacy and educational programs across all areas of healthcare delivery.
- Health risk & society
- Health Risk & Society is an international scholarly journal devoted to a theoretical and empirical understanding of the social processes which influence the ways in which health risks are taken, communicated, assessed and managed.
- Healthcare Benchmarks and Quality Improvement
- Healthcare Benchmarks and Quality Improvement provides you with the best benchmarking and quality tools and initiatives being developed and used in health care today in a concise, easy-to-read format. Each monthly issue provides authoritative, practical, and essential tips, discoveries, and techniques covering crucial quality management and benchmarking issues, such as The International Journal for Quality in Health Care & The International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance.
- International Journal for Quality in Health Care
- The International Journal for Quality in Health Care makes activities and research related to quality and safety in health care available to a worldwide readership. The Journal publishes papers in all disciplines related to the quality and safety of health care, including health services research, health care evaluation, technology assessment, health economics, utilization review, cost containment and nursing care research, as well as clinical research related to The International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance.
- International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance
- The International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance provides a forum for the international exchange of theoretical and practical aspects of quality and management in health care and helps to develop knowledge about continuous improvement and its implementation in health care organisations.
- International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine
- The International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine is concerned with rendering the practice of medicine as safe as it can be; that involves promoting the highest possible quality of care, but also examining how those risks which are inevitable can be contained and managed. This is not exclusively a drugs journal. Recently it was decided to include in the subtitle of the journal three items to better indicate the scope of the journal, i.e. patient safety, pharmacovigilance and liability.
- Journal of Patient Safety
- Journal of Patient Safety is dedicated to presenting research advances and field applications in every area of patient safety. While Journal of Patient Safety has a research emphasis, it also publishes articles describing near-miss opportunities, system modifications that are barriers to error, and the impact of regulatory changes on healthcare delivery. This mix of research and real-world findings makes Journal of Patient Safety a valuable resource across the breadth of health professions and from bench to bedside.
A suggested (rather than exhaustive) list of journals for quality and safety scholarship.
Sekundære tidsskrifter
- Academic Emergency Medicine
- Academic Emergency Medicine is dedicated to the improvement of care of the acutely ill and injured patient by improving research and education. To achieve this mission, society for Academic Emergency Medicine influences health policy through forums, publications, inter-organizational collaboration, policy development, and consultation services for physicians, teachers, researchers, and students.
- American Journal of Medical Quality
- American Journal of Medical Quality (AJMQ) is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal for those practicing, conducting research, and teaching in the field of clinical quality improvement. AJMQ publishes research studies, evaluations of the delivery and management of health care, and reports on changes in the field of medical quality, utilization, and risk management, clarified with graphs and tables.
- BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
- BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in relation to the design, development, implementation, use, and evaluation of health information technologies and decision-making within the healthcare setting.
- British Journal of Anaesthesia
- The Britisk Journal of Anaesthesia is the leading European anaesthesia journal. We publish peer reviewed original scientific articles relevant to any aspect of anaesthesia, critical care or pain management or to the basic sciences underpinning them.
- Cognition, Technology & Work
- Cognition, Technology & Work focuses on the practical issues of human interaction with technology within the context of work and, in particular, how human cognition affects, and is affected by, work and working conditions. The aim is to publish research that normally resides on the borderline between people, technology, and organisations, such as how people use information technology, how experience and expertise develop through work, and how incidents and accidents are due to the interaction between individual, technical and organisational factors. The target is thus the study of people at work from a cognitive systems engineering and socio-technical systems perspective.
- Drug Safety
- Drug Safety is the premier international journal covering the disciplines of pharmacovigilance, pharmacoepidemiology, benefit-risk assessment, risk management and medication error prevention. Specializing in definitive reviews on the epidemiology, clinical features, prevention and management of adverse effects of individual drugs and drug classes.
- European Journal of Emergency Medicine
- The European Journal of Emergency Medicine is the official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine. It is devoted to serving the European emergency medicine community and to promoting European standards of training, diagnosis and care in this rapidly growing field.
- Health Informatics Journal
- Health Informatics Journal provides a peer reviewed international forum for the exchange of practice, innovation and research in relation to information and communication technology in all all areas of health care, from organisational management to the delivery of patient care and health promotion. Representing the interdisciplinary nature of health informatics, the journal publishes contributions from the fields of informatics and telematics, the health professions, computer science, engineering and management.
- Health Services Research
- Health Services Research (HSR ) is HRET's flagship publication and an official journal of AcademyHealth. Rated as one of the top journals in the field, HSR publishes outstanding articles reporting the findings of original investigations that expand understanding of the wide-ranging field of health care and help improve the health of individuals and communities.
- Human Computer Interaction
- Human-Computer Interaction is an interdisciplinary journal defining and reporting on the challenging issues in making computational technology work for people. It publishes theoretical, empirical, and methodological articles on the user sciences and system design as it affects individual users, work groups, communities, and social and organizational settings.
- Human Factors
- Human Factors is a peer-reviewed journal presenting original papers of scientific merit that contribute to the understanding and advancement of the systematic consideration of people in relation to machines, systems, and environments. Articles encompassing basic and applied research, quantitative and qualitative approaches to theory, evaluative reviews of the literature, and state-of-the-art reviews cover all aspects of the human-system interface.
- Implementation Science
- Implementation Science is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that aims to publish research relevant to the scientific study of methods to promote the uptake of research findings into routine healthcare in both clinical and policy contexts.
- International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
- The International Journal of Human-Computer Studies publishes original research over the whole spectrum of work relevant to the theory and practice of innovative interactive systems. The journal is inherently interdisciplinary, covering research in computing, artificial intelligence, psychology, linguistics, communication, design, engineering, and social organization, which is relevant to the design, analysis, evaluation and application of innovative interactive systems.
- International Journal of Medical Informatics
- International Journal of Medical Informatics provides an international medium for dissemination of original results and interpretative reviews concerning the field of medical informatics. The Journal emphasizes the evaluation of systems in healthcare settings. The scope of the journal covers information systems, somputer-aided medical desicion support systems, uducational computer based programs and different aspects of IT applications in health care.
- JAMIA Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
- JAMIA is AMIA's premier peer-reviewed journal for biomedical and health informatics. Covering the full spectrum of activities in the field, JAMIA includes informatics articles in the areas of clinical care, clinical research, translational science, implementation science, imaging, education, consumer health, public health, and policy. JAMIA's articles describe innovative informatics research and systems that help to advance biomedical science and to promote health.
- Journal of Quality Technology
- The Journal of Quality Technology (JQT) is a peer-reviewed journal published by the American Society for Quality (ASQ). It contributes to the technical advancement of the quality sciences by publishing papers that emphasize the practical applicability of new statistical techniques on design of experiments, process monitoring, reliability, and applied statistics. Papers present new methods, case study examples, comparisons of existing methods, and reviews of the literature on topics of current interest.
- New England Journal of Medicine
- The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM.org) is dedicated to bringing physicians the best research and key information at the intersection of biomedical science and clinical practice. A career companion for physicians, NEJM keeps practicing physicians informed on developments that are important to their patients and keeps them connected to both clinical science and the values of being a good physician. NEJM is the most widely read, cited, and influential general medical periodical in the world.
- Safety Science
- Safety Science serves as an international medium for research in the science and technology of human safety. It extends from safety of people at work to other spheres, such as transport, leisure and home, as well as every other field of man's hazardous activities.
- JAMA The Journal of the American Medical Association
- JAMA is an international peer-reviewed general medical journal published 48 times per year. JAMA is the most widely circulated medical journal in the world.The key objective is to promote the science and art of medicine and the betterment of the public health.
Sites m.m.
Her har vi samlet en række links til centrale hjemmesider og fora, der bidrager med vigtig viden om patientsikkerhed og kvalitet i sundhedsvæsenet.
Danske og nordiske
Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed er et uafhængigt forum, som arbejder med at fremme patientsikkerhed. Hjemmesiden giver overblik over selskabets aktiviteter.
Dansk Selskab for Kvalitet i Sundhedsvæsenet er et uafhængigt forum, som arbejder med at fremme kvalitet.
The mission of the Danish Center for Healthcare Improvements is to generate new knowledge and methods for improvement in daily clinical practice through research, evaluations, studies and student projects.
Institution der samler, organiserer, filtrerer og vurderer viden og information, der er produceret af andre inden for kvalitet i sundhedsvæsenet.
Sundhedsvæsenets system for rapportering af utilsigtede hændelser. Adgang til årsrapporter, tema-rapporter, advarsler mv.
Danske Patienter er en politisk organisation – en paraplyorganisation for 17 medlemsorganisationer. Organisationen er patienternes talerør over for offentligheden og har fokus på et patientcentreret sundhedsvæsen. Hjemmesiden giver et overblik over Danske Patienters aktiviteter og rådgivning.
Enheden for Brugerundersøgelser er et videnscenter for patientoplevet kvalitet i Region Hovedstaden. Hjemmesiden indeholder bl.a. metodevejledninger til gennemførsel af brugerundersøgelser.
Institutet för hälsa och välfärd (THL) har börjat ett nytt program, som är Patientsäkerhet genom kunskap och färdighet. Programmet ska stödja hälso- och sjukvården under tiden 2011-2015 i syfte att förbättra patientsäkerheten och minska vårdskador.
Norsk nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten.
Omfatter publikationer, kampagneinformation m.m. om patientsikkerhed og kvalitetsforbedring.
Moderniseringsstyrelsens hjemmeside har redskaber til KVIK modellen, der er en ledelses- og kvalitetsmodel målrettet institutioner i den offentlige sektor, som kan anvendes til selvevaluering.
Sundhedsvæsenets rapporteringsystem for utilsigtede hændelser (DPSD) er forankret i Patientombuddet. På denne hjemmeside kan du se læringsenheden, der på nationalt niveau modtager og gennemgår de rapporterede hændelser og formidler viden herfra tilbage til sundhedsvæsenet.
Databasernes fællessekretariat, der hører under regionerne, skal sikre bedre udnyttelse af de landsdækkende kliniske kvalitetsdatabaser såvel klinisk, ledelsesmæssigt som forskningsmæssigt. Hjemmesiden indeholder bl.a. information om alle de danske kliniske kvalitetsdatabaser.
Hjemmeside som drives af Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed i samarbejde med Trygfonden med blandt andet caseanalyser, undervisningsmateriale og generel viden om patientsikkerhed. Henvender sig til sundhedspersonale, men har også et område for patienter.
Den svenske socialstyrelses hjemmesider om patientsikkerhed og kvalitetsindikatorer.
Indeholder tema- og evalueringsrapporter om kvalitet og sikkerhed.
Svenske kommuners og landsting: Patientsäkerhet
Videnscenter for Brugerinddragelse i Sundhedsvæsenet
Videnscenteret indsamler og udvikler viden om inddragelse af patienter og pårørende i sundhedsvæsenet og er etableret af paraplyorganisationen Danske Patienter.
Statslig amerikansk kvalitetsorganisation, der forsker i kvalitet og patientsikkerhed.
Statslig australsk patientsikkerheds- og kvalitetsorganisation, der koordinere patientsikkerheds- og kvalitetsindsatser i Australien.
Australsk non-profit patientsikkerhedsorganisation, der bl.a. har udviklet systemer til utilsigtede hændelser.
Canadisk non-profit patientsikkerhedsorganisation, som arbejder for bl.a. at facilitere implementering af idéer og best practice for at højne patientsikkerheden.
Partnerskab mellem NHS og Imperial College London, som samarbejder om at forske i patientsikkerhed og kvalitet i sundhedsvæsenet.
Enhed under University of Chicago, som forsker og underviser i patientsikkerhed og human factors.
Amerikansk database drevet af forskningsinstituttet ECRI, der samler typer af hændelser opstået med medicinsk udstyr og genererer information om, hvad man kan lære af dem.
Amerikansk organisation, der arbejder med at forbedre kvaliteten og sikkerheden i sundhedssektoren.
IAPO er en global alliance, som repræsenterer patienter på tværs af alle nationaliteter og sygdomme og som fremmer patient-centreret behandling. "
Amerikansk non-profit organisation, der arbejder for at forebygge medicineringsfejl.
Enhed med repræsentanter fra flere lande, der samarbejder om patientsikkerhed i primær sektor.
Organisation under den britiske sundhedsstyrelse, der arbejder med at forbedre sikkerheden omkring medicin og medicinsk udstyr.
Amerikansk organisation der arbejder for at øge medicineringssikkerheden og opmærksomhed omkring medicineringsfejl.
NICE i Storbritannien er en organisation tilknyttet NHS, som opstiller kvalitetsstandarder og styrer national kvalitetsdatabase. På hjemmesiden er bl.a. online-værktøj, som samler instituttets vejledninger i en grafisk fremstilling af patientforløb.
Den britiske patientsikkerhedsorganisation under det britiske sundhedsvæsen, National Health Services (NHS), som er en national rapporterings- og læringsenhed.
Amerikansk non-profit patientsikkerhedsorganisation, der har til formål at øge videndeling og fremme patientsikkerhed.
Institut knyttet til Storbrittaniens sundhedsvæsen, som forsker i, fasciliterer og udvikler redskaber til at fremme patientsikkerhed og kvalitet.
Engelsk patientsikkerhedsorganisation, som har til sigte at øge patientsikkerheden.
Hjemmeside for det nordiske forskningsnetværks samarbejde omkring patientsikkerhed og kvalitet.
OECD-projekt, som har identificeret pasientsikkerhed som et af kerneområderne inden for udvikling af kvalitetsindikatorer.
Europæisk institut, som arbejder med patientinvolvering.
Omfattende amerikansk hjemmeside med publikationer om patientsikkerhed. Opdateres ugentligt.
Amerikansk organisation, der arbejder involvering og samarbejde mellem patienter og sundhedsprofessionelle.
The International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) er en uafhængig organisation med medlemmer i over 70 land. ISQua arbejder med kvalitet og sikkerhed i sundhedssektoren.
Amerikansk organisation, der kvalitetsvurderer (akkrediterer) sygehuse.
Amerikansk organisation, der arbejder for at forbedre patientsikkerheden og kvaliteten I den amerikanske sundhedssektor.
Enhed under U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, som udfører medicinsk forskning og som også beskæftiger sig med patientsikkerhed og kvalitet.
Amerikansk hjemmeside med analyserede utilsigtede hændelser (cases), artikler om patientsikkerhed, debatforum mv.
Hjemmeside som samler WHOs arbejde og policies i relation til patientsikkerhed i WHO medlemslande, bl.a. tiltag omkring patientinddragelse.
Listservers (åbne fora, som diskuterer patientsikkerhed og kvalitet i sundhedsvæsenet):
National Patient Safety Foundation
Patient Safety Monitor Blog
Nyhedsbreve, man kan tilmelde sig om kvalitet eller patientsikkerhed
Nyhedsbrev fra Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - patient safety network
Nyhedsbrev fra Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - patient safety network
Nyhedsbrev fra Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed
Nyhedsbrev om NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement's aktiviteter