Clinicians, leaders, researchers, patients and policy makers use data to improve care. Measurement can provide a powerful means of learning through improvement initiatives, both within the initial setting and subsequently for spreading improvement across wider healthcare systems. However, when done badly measurement can be wasteful, or even harmful. Healthcare is inundated with data that are not or cannot be used for quality improvement, and many quality improvement initiatives are not equipped with the resource and skills needed to use data well for improvement.
In this seminar, we explore recommendations for selecting, presenting and interpreting quality data and we seek to highlight how leaders use the data in strategic and operational decisions.
Welcome / Christian von Plessen, Formand for FPKS, Centerchef, Center for Kvalitet
Thomas Woodcock / Improvement Science Fellow, Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) Imperial College
The interpretation and use of healthcare performance data
A very short break
Jacob Anhøj / Overlæge, patientsikkerhed, Rigshospitalet
The problem with red, amber, green
Knut Borch-Johnsen / Knut Borch-Johnsen Vicedirektør, lægefaglig chef, Holbæk Hospital.
How may healthcare leaders use data to monitor and improve quality?
Questions and Answers. Moderator Mickael Bech, Professor, KORA
End of seminar / Call for seminar proposals / Henning Boje Andersen FPKS næstformand/webmaster
Sandwiches / Networking
Deltagergebyr: kr 350 (studerende: 0 kr)
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