Temadag 21. sept. 2015 kl 9-16, Charlottehaven,
Arrangør: Forskningsnetværk for Patientsikkerhed og Kvalitet i
KEYNOTES: John Øvretveit, Karolinska Inst.;
Mary Dixon-Woods, Univ.of Leicester; Lars Ehlers, Aalborg
Sted: Charlottehaven, Hjørringgade 12 København
(ved Nordhavn Station)
Opsummering af keynotes og workshop
Materialer fra konferencen:
Bjarne Nørmark: Lecture slides
John Øvretveit: Lecture slides
Lars Ehlers: Lecture slides
John Øvretveit. Evaluating Complex Social Interventions 1: Challenges and
John Øvretveit. Evaluating Complex Social Interventions 2: Guidance, Tools and
Carsten Engel: An illustration
Kort litteraturliste
Program mv. (pdf-flyer)
09.00 – 10.00
Registrering; morgenmad og te/kaffe
10.00 – 10.10
Velkomst v/ moderator, overlæge Niels Hermann, IKAS
10.10 – 10.30
Hvilke forventninger og ønsker har ledelser i sundhedsvæsenet til evaluering af komplekse interventioner, og hvilke problemer ser de omkring dette?
Sygehusdirektør Bjarne Normark, Sydvestjysk Sygehus
10.30 – 11.15
Implementing quality and safety programmes: evidence, research challenges and solutions, and lessons for leaders at different levels of the health system.
Professor John Øvretveit, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
The topic of this session is complex social interventions to health service organisa­tions and large scale programme. It considers the challenges and research designs for understanding which strategies might be most successful for enabling people to “take up” the improvements which are the subject of projects or programmes and the conditions which help and hinder “take up”. I presents what we know from the research, notes forefront approaches for learning and improving these types of interventions and programmes, and the implications for health service leaders and researchers.
11.15 – 12.00
Lessons from the evaluation of patient safety and healthcare quality efforts in the UK.
Professor Mary Dixon-Woods, University of Leicester, UK
The presentation will use the evaluation of the Safer Patients Initiative (ana­logue to Patientsikkert Sygehus in Denmark) as a case. The intention is not to discuss, whether the SPI was beneficial or not, but to discuss, how we could make good decisions on launching, evaluating and along the road improving efforts of this kind. The perspective is: How can we as leaders make reasonable decisions on the launch of complex interventions, and how can we as research­ers support sound decision making, when launching and along the road.
12.00 – 12.45
12.45 – 13.30
Kritisk evaluering af Patientsikkert sygehus: Anmeldelse og metodiske reflek­sioner.
Professor Lars Ehlers, Institut for Økonomi og Ledelse, Ålborg Universitet
13.30 – 14.45
Facilitering ved Niels Hermann samt Birgit Viskum, Lisbeth Sølver og Carsten Engel (bestyrelsen for FPKS)
14.45 – 15.15
15.45 – 16.00
Afrunding/perspektiv. Hvad kan jeg tage med hjem herfra
Kvalitetschef, overlæge Janne Lehmann Knudsen, Kræftens Bekæmpelse